Our Mission

Promote the forest biodiversity of the Selva Maya through quality work, legality and fair trade of wood..

Maderas Conciencia has always worked hand in hand with Community Forestry Companies (EFC), which own 80% of the forests and jungles of Mexico and also carry out forest management in accordance with Mexican legislation..

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This fact is relevant because around 60% of the wood in Mexico has an origin outside the law, without authorization of felling or boarding.

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Maderas Conciencia works hand in hand with the Selva Maya Alliance, which is a Union of Forest Ejidos formed by the communities of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, X-, Hazil, Petcacab, Nohbec and Bacalar; of great importance for the management surface, as well as for the volumes of use.

alianza selva maya ejidos forestales 15 julio 2011
Por Esto Newspaper Press Release on the Alianza Forestal, July, 15 2011

We are members of FSC since 2017

certificacion FSC tulum quintana roo mexico maya madera ecologica sustentable 

Maderas Conciencia also promotes FSC certification among its suppliers and customers. In the region we work with the FSC-certified ejidos of Nohbec, Petcacab, Caoba and Tres Garantías: all of them certified by FSC as Forest Management and Chain of Custody (CoC).

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More information:
México es líder mundial en superficie de bosque certificada en manejo forestal comunitario  (CCMSS 2016)
Las comunidades forestales, la certificación y las cadenas de suministro  (CCMSS 2015)
Guía para identificar altos valores de conservación en ecosistemas forestales de México  (Conafor / Semarnat, 2013)

Social Mission

Maderas Conciencia works hand in hand with the Selva Maya Alliance, which is a Union of Forest Ejidos formed by the communities of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, X-, Hazil, Petcacab, Nohbec and Bacalar. Promotes FSC certification among its suppliers and customers. We work with FSC certified ejidos as logging and chain of custody... - more... -

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Calle Jabalí s/n, Col. Ejido, Tulum,
Quintana Roo, México. C.P. 77780Tel. whatsapp1 +52 1 984 593 6747

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